Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trip to Blind hills

After a long gap from my regular expeditions, I had planned for yet another audacious trip to the city's top cliff that stands majestic in the heart of the metropolis. Located about 25kms from the Coimbatore city, the hill stands as a perfect epitome for its blend. Local people call it as a "Blind hill" (Kurudi malai). With my friend, I started the journey in the early dawn on a fine weekend. As the spot is located in the remote area we hardly waited nearly an hour for the mini-bus to pick us to that historic temple. I was dropped in a ridge of one way path that hardly allowed a mini cab to travel along. The path was guarded by dense bushes that stood 12 feet high. As we passed trough the pathway we saw High Tension cables extended on both the sides. This implicitly warned us that the place is a favorite spot for wild beasts. The clouds started garnering the intensity as we advanced. The nimbus cloud cautioned us to prepare for the down pour. I had nothing in my hands except my camera. I couldn't see anything around me except the gigantic hills. It was like a huge cricket stadium surrounded by hills all around. We walked nearly 3kms and at last reached the foot-hills. We saw an old man guarding some vehicles parked in the tree shades. I enquired him about the frequency of the devotees visiting that place. To our surprise he told me that people use to come in thousands on special occasions.
Few yards from the parking we saw the awesome entrance of the beautiful temple. Adorned both sides by lush crotons and shrubs, we really admired the maintenance of the remote temple. The place was tidy and green. We climbed some few hundred steps and finally we reached the apex of the temple. As every temple has its own history, this one is no way an exception. The main deity of this temple is commonly called as "Ponnuthu mari ammam" The Idol has been finely placed inside a cave. Inside the gloomy cave, the idol was showered by the springs whose source is said to be from the remote forest. The interesting fact about this spring is that it never dries amidst the drought and irrespective of the monsoons. This is the specialty of this temple. Also, the water is said to be precious as it is said to originate from the foot of the 'amman'. The local people treat the water as an elixir.
Adjacent to the cave, we saw rugged pebbles and rocks eroded by the gushing velocity of the water falls. Unfortunately we couldn't enjoy the scenario as it was dried up. We walked some few yards inside. The place was placid. We started climbing the huge rock that stood besides the waterfall. The place was really fantastic. The panoramic view of the hill was a visual treat to the eyes. I took some nice snap shots .The view of the temple from the top cliff was fantastic. It was a nice spot to sit and relax in the natural lawn. The dawn began to dwindle. The cool shower added sheen to the majestic hills. We enjoyed the drizzling. I saw some persons trying to ascend the treachery path bare footed. The path was bit complicated yet we too tried to climb to some extent. But local priest warned us to return before the dusk as the place was frequented by wild animals. So we started descending the hill. The place was an apt location for the photo enthusiast. The spectacular view of the triangular hill will catch everyone's attention from remote distance.
The hill is 1mile off from Narasimma Naicken Palayam on Coimbatore - Mettupalayam Main Road. Though bus facilities were limited to this destination, you can hop a cab or take a two-wheeler. If you really want to enjoy a road less expedition, here is a nice chance.

Photos : Uday
Text Content by Pradeep Varman.S

Saturday, June 11, 2011

No concrete walls to this house.. Eco friendly


Lungfish, a fish that breathes with a lung as well as by gills. The African and South American lungfishes use their lungs to breathe air while they estivate (are dormant) in mud in times of drought. The Australian lungfish uses its lung to breathe air when the water is stagnant.

The lungfish can live out of the water for months.
When its native stream or lake dries up, an African or South American lungfish forms a cell in mud, leaving a small breathing hole, and curls its tail about its nose. Its skin secretes a liquid that looks like transparent plastic film when it dries. The film covers all but a small hole over the mouth and keeps the fish from drying out while it estivates. The lungfish can thus live out of water for months, and then resume active life when water softens the mud. African and South American lungfishes are slender-bodied and almost scaleless. They have pointed tails and stringy, tapering fins. The Australian lungfish, prized as food, grows up to six feet (1.8 m) long. It has a thick body covered with large scales, and short, stout fins.
What Fish Can Breathe Out of Water?
Actually, many fish can breathe out of water. But none is better at it than a lungfish is. A lungfish breathes out of water by using a lunglike organ called a swim bladder. Some kinds of lungfish can even survive in dried-up rivers for weeks or months.
Most lungfish, like the South American lungfish, have gills that are poorly developed. They breathe air mostly with their swim bladders. If one of these lungfish couldn’t reach the water’s surface, it would drown. However, the Australian lungfish breathes mostly with its gills. It gulps air at the water’s surface only when the water doesn’t have much oxygen in it.
Lungfish are one of a few bony fish that are able to control their fins as land animals control their limbs. Most fish can only raise or lower their fin rays. But a lungfish has joints that attach the fins to its body just as arms and legs are attached to a person’s body.
Lungfishes belong to the superorder Dipnoi. There are four species of African lungfishes, all belonging to the genus Protopterus. The South American lungfish is Lepidosiren paradoxa; the Australian, Neoceratodus forsteri.

Enviro Meet May 2011

The monthly Enviro Meet for May 2011 was held on 29th at Hotel Tamil Nadu.
Special address given by 
Mr. K.Vijayakumar,
Programme Officer, WWF - India
on 'Monitoring Tigers-An Experience of a Biologist'

See photos: osai environmental service